The real challenge for Luminus is to be able to continuously monitor and collect information about their customers' needs, market developments and competition. The aim is to be more proactive towards their customers and prospects by providing them with the most relevant information at the most appropriate times.
By adopting Cikisi, Luminus offers itself a monitoring tool allowing them, on the one hand, to filter all the existing information about their sector and, on the other hand, to synthesise it. They thus compensate for the lack of time and process that they had. With Cikisi, Luminus employees have tailor-made access to the platform. They can configure and parameterise the filters they want to see applied in complete autonomy. Finally, Cikisi offers them personalised support for optimal use of all its functions.
Thanks to Cikisi, the sales department at Luminus is much better informed about the energy issues raised by their target and can now act much more proactively. Thanks to the filters defined beforehand, the information delivered by the Cikisi tool is extremely relevant and allows the sales department to offer value-added content to their customers and prospects. Cikisi has also made it possible to set up a recurring internal newsletter to help sales representatives more easily learn about the articles published and the news concerning the issues raised by their target.
Luminus is the largest electricity producer and energy supplier in the Belgian market. With 1,884 MW of capacity, the company accounts for approximately 10% of the Belgian production capacity. Luminus is a green energy producer with gas-fired power stations, wind farms and hydroelectric power stations in Wallonia and Flanders.
It sells electricity and gas to more than 1.7 million private and business customers. Luminus also buys and sells gas and electricity on the national and international energy markets. The company has around 900 employees. Its mission? Luminus does everything possible to enable Belgians to save money on gas and electricity while protecting the planet. 100% Belgian and 100% green.