Pharmaceutical industry: Industrial relocation under way

Valéry Mainjot
August 28, 2024

The French government's declared determination has focused on the pharmaceutical industry. Nearly a hundred projects have already been approved under the "France Relance" plan. This action represents over 800 million euros of investment, and even 1.7 billion with leverage, according to the Direction Générale des Entreprises, heard last week in the Senate as part of the commission of inquiry into drug shortages.

This action includes many projects which are investments, but which are designed to keep drug production on site and avoid further relocations.

Only around 40 of these actually involve relocations, 18 of which involve the repatriation of active ingredient production. The most emblematic project is that of Seqens, which is reactivating its plant in Roussillon, Isère, to produce paracetamol. This is a €100 million investment project, a third of which is financed by the French government. Objective: 10,000 tonnes of paracetamol per year by 2025.

The Pierre Fabre laboratory is also relocating part of its production of the anti-cancer drug Binimetinib to its site in the Tarn region, which was previously carried out by a subcontractor abroad.

Beyond this positive effect, however, much more is needed to keep France and Europe free from shortages and tensions.

(Source BFMTV)