Virtually every stage in the intelligence cycle can benefit from artificial intelligence.
Applied to content available on the web, Artificial Intelligence tells us a lot about companies: their economic weight, their geographical locations, their investments, their suppliers... in a very short space of time.
Artificial Intelligence acts upstream (sourcing) of the intelligence process, as well as at the processing (analysis, data visualization...) and downstream (distribution) levels. At a time when the information and documentation professions are faced with a veritable deluge of data, many professionals are taking a close interest in the promises of AI.
It helps to prioritize information by detecting the most important words, and is capable of establishing relationships between terms scattered throughout a text. It also automates filters to reduce the time spent by watchers on this low-value-added task, even when processing text corpora in languages other than French.
Other advantages: AI is capable of image recognition and content recommendation. We could add AI's ability to thematize information flows, grouping them by context, economic sector, country or market.
Upstream, it interacts with the collection and identification of new sources, the validation of sources according to multiple criteria (referencing, opinions and comments, number of published articles, site construction...). At the analysis stage, it facilitates the drafting of summaries based on the most relevant information. For distribution, it automates processes by adjusting monitoring deliverables according to the end-user's needs, saving considerable time and increasing efficiency.
As you can see, artificial intelligence has more than one trump card up its sleeve to help watchers accomplish their missions. CIKISI is no exception. For several years now, the company has been integrating AI, christened Mila for the occasion.
(source Archimag)